Welcome to CuGBasis’s documentation!


CuGBasis is a free, and open-source C++/CUDA and Python library for computing various quantities efficiently using NVIDIA GPU’s in quantum chemistry. It is highly-optimized and vectorized, making it useful for cases where efficiency matters. It has substantial speed-ups compared to both commerical and open-source post-processing quantum chemistry codes.

CuGBasis can read various wave-function formats (wfn, wfx, molden and fchk) using IOData and supports up-to g-type (Cartesian or Pure) orbitals. It can compute the following features:

  • Molecular orbitals

  • Electron density

  • Gradient of electron density

  • Laplacian of electron density

  • Hessian of electron density

  • Electrostatic potential

  • Compute density-based descriptors:

    • Reduced density gradient

    • Shannon information density

    • Norm of gradient

  • Compute various kinetic energy densities:

    • Positive definite kinetic energy density

    • General kinetic energy density

    • Von Weizsacker kinetic Energy Density

    • Thomas-Fermi kinetic energy density.

    • General gradient expansion approximation of kinetic energy density

To report any issues or ask questions, either open an issue or email qcdevs@gmail.com.

Indices and tables